10:03 PM | Thursday, July 31, 2008
prelims have started. too lazy to blog about the past few days. study is the priority now i guess. n's is just one month's time. it's the last day of july. and here comes august. fast isn't it?
and after what miss chee told me and bingyao today about the studies stuffs,i really feel that,it's already too late. everything is going to be fine i guess. just pray that i still be in this school next year.
maybe they all might be saying it all right. i am getting the really bad feeling. i don't know. this sound so emooooo. ahhh,whatever.
i shall go and study now. and i can't wait to play floorball to relase the stress and anger inside me. blog again.
i am the cause,and i know it very well.
everything has come to a stop,
12:17 AM | Tuesday, July 29, 2008
i need a break.
church was great. learn a lot. the world at your doorstep. didn't went for coool meeting,went to swim with jerome instead.
headed to khatib macs and had breakfast first,then met jerome and went to safra to swim. cooool,safra is a nice place to swim and relax.
tanning was defintely the main reason we always swim. (: left around 2.30 and went to northpoint and eat.
after that met bestf and swam with her brother tooo. tanned a while and swimmm. headed home after that.
everything was alright. shihui finally lend me her crumpler,(: haha. alright,english for first two lessons,went through test paper answers. haha. sucked.
chinese double periods next. teacher went through test paper and then new chapter of textbook.
poa next,got back test results,super disappointed. recess next,sang birthdya song to glenden! he sure felt touched! a lot of people sang together! haha.
maths two periods next,time just pass very fast. teacher was going through completing the square method,which i hate most.
chem double periods were spent in canteen. slacked all the way. bio next,went through the mock papers.
after school went to market to eat with jerome,wanhao and jianyi. after went back and had 1 hour of poa one-on-one with miss chee and bingyao.
went home,changed and came out to meet jerome and mengchao. went to city hall and bought food from RC. waited for 16,but there's too many people,couldn't board it.
so walked all the way from city hall to kallang. wooo,lost 10 kg in the process! haha.
the match was quite boring,but the players are really cooool. can't believe i am watching ronaldinho,anderson,pato live! i think marcelo did great with his overlapping runs.
final score,brazil3-0singapore.
ohya,mr hui will confiscate my phone for half a month! getting back on 8 august,next firday! yay!
ohya,move marathon with pig on friday,yay! alright,time for bed! i am tired!
blog tomorrow! :D
i want to reach,
i lose all to you.
3:17 PM | Saturday, July 26, 2008
days just passby like nobody business.
forgetten what happen in school,but everything was going smoothly that day.
chinese oral was really very easy! i was so scared my conversation is going to be like shit,like how i did during prelims. but turn out that,it was still not bad!
the passage was so easy to read,no hard words. like what bingyao said,if anyone read one word wrongly still okay,but read more than two words wrongly can go and die. haha. quite true actually.
conversation was about cip. the cip we did last year came up to my mind,and i talked so much shit out of it. i am glad it paid off!
headed home after that,feel like sleeping though. but still went to trg! didn't had match anymore. didn't know that we can only use half the court until the very last minute.
anyway,when i was about to step out of my house,a huge pour of rain came. it was hurricane type of rain,the wind is so big. and even when i went home,the rain was still big,but eventually got smaller and smaller.
trg was awesome. high-tempo plays and lots of laughters with it,great trg! (:
and i surely must thank God for the day. He was with me all the time,be it oral,trg,the huge hurricane lookalike rain and even during school hours! He was with me! Thank God:D
started the day well. nice weather,windy type one. haha. bio for the first two periods,mr chandra didn't come. so canteen after assembly.
terence said that wahlau chandra still don't want come,exams nearing already leh. haha. very true,really. our bio really suck.
anyway,english next. slept throughout the whole of the two periods.
then poa next,test! manzxzxzx. i didn't have enough time to do current account,but my profit and loss appropriation was like shit either,but i just hope for a pass.
recess was okay. something funny happen! haha. wilson yeo getting out of the bench,but his legs accidentally hit the below part of the bench and the whole bench fell. the whole canteen turned over! haha. lucky no one was sitting on top!
chinese next. mr hui came in and relieve as leelaoshi never come. here comes the unlucky period. manzxzxz,the lesson was about to end,then i was typing message to bestf,and suddenly mr hui walked pass and saw it. he confiscated it. -.-
then mr hui say he will discuss with me on monday,cause the phone now is with mr lim. so mad about it lah.
then headed to market to eat. went back school around 2. went to mr ng's classroom and study. didn't do much studying. the pop was fantasing us. then went to find bingyao and went to find miss chee for one-on-one lesson. but miss chee was having a meeting,so waited for her a while,then bingyao went to play basketball already.
then went back to mr ng classroom and waited for jerome to finish.
then clarice had some poa question,so waited for miss chee. and she's finally out of the meeting at 6.45! so went through one of the question,then headed home with jerome,clarice and dorothy.
okay,it's 4.40 now! never go out today. going to start studying sooon! have been slacking away just now. mum ordered kfc and pizza hut delivery just now! woohooooo! (: church tomorrow! :D and bestf is swimming now at yishun! hahaha. and yay,mum is going to take my sim card later! hahahahhaha! i got n70 as spare phone! yes! :D alright,blog tomorrow! :D
fresh start.
will all this effort go down the drain?
12:18 AM | Wednesday, July 23, 2008
trg after so long! haha.
dad had to reach his office early,so went school earlier then usual. and found it's bingyao birthday today! (:
first two periods,was english. had english test,but i slept during the test. we were taking each other paper's to copy. haha.
next was geog. nb,wei yang go and keep my bag behind the sofa. and mr lau sang birthday song to bingyao!
then ss,mdm loo also sing birthday song to bingyao! wah,he today king ah! haha. then after ss lesson,some of the class drew on bingyao body! haha.
recess was great! played soccer with jerome,wanhao,jianyi,gary,victor,steven,lizhe,danny,yinghui,youlim,terence! woooo. very fun!
then we played soccer till eat into chem period! haha. so stand outside class! one bunch of us somemore! haha.
the funny thing,kokwai made a bet with miss lim. if she's late for class for 5 mins tomorrow(which most of the time she is),she will stand outside class! hahaha. cooool right!
then poa for two periods. sit alone today,cause wanted the fan. was feeling very hot. i think it's more productive! i never talk as much as usual! and i did work throughout the whole lesson! haha. for the first time. partnership test tomorrow! i think i am quite confident with this test! :D
chinese next,had to do compo. but didn't complete. and to think about it,i forget to do it at home! means must do during remedial. crapppppppp. and i hate doing chinese compo. manzxzxzx.
maths next. did nothing. just doing our own stuffs in class. but kokwai and steven were the main limelight! they used the soccer ball and played heading with each other! hahaha.
after school,went to amk s11 to eat with jerome,wanhao,glenden and nick. didn't watch movie with pig in the end. woooo,was feeling very hungry,cause we skipped recess! haha. after that went to the nearby mos and drink milktea! haha. studied there a while waiting for jerome and wanhao's phone. they were sending each other kungfu panda! haha.
headed back home around 4.15. and went out again. went for trg in schooldidn't know there's trg till today! haha. played for around a hour. haha. feel very rusty,didn't play for very long already! (:
then headed home with tim.
tution tomorrow. manzxzxz,my homework is not done. and it consists of two maths paper from other schools. and one paper two from another school. okay. this is so shit. i am going to do it during lessons tomorrow.
a divs final tomorrow! MJC vs RJC. coool. i feel it's like not a really nice final. i rather VJC played instead of RJC. the semis between RJ and VJ was so intense. last 30 seconds,MJC cameback and scored two goals to win. so lucky lah.
anyway,i guess i am going to sleep soon.
blog tomorrow! :D
lots of practices.
it was quite saddening.
11:16 PM | Monday, July 21, 2008
was late today! when we reacehd the traffic light,the door closes. manzxzxzxz,a lot of people thought it was early! wanhao and zhengquan was late also. steven went to market with yuwen and co. so went along with wanhao and zhengquan.
we decided runaway when the counciliors didn't see. haha. so english for the first two periods. i can say,doing report writting can be so boring.
chinese next. the test was quite straight forward. but i feel asleep halfway. was feeling tired! but i hope that will get a pass!
poa,was discussing about amalgamation. recess was alright. maths double periods next. miss chua on course for today and tomorrow! (: so relieve teachers came in. had algebra worksheet to do.
then chem double periods at chem lab. and today i hate joey tan. he drew dots on my face. but sleeping at chem lab was super cooling,cause of the rain and everything. yeah.
then bio for last period,go through answers.
after school,went to amk hub with jerome and wanhao. we all wanted to catch hellboy 2! haha. waited for the people to come.

last minute,jianyi,albert didn't came. mengchao came after a while. so we went to mos to eat first. in the end,i was the only one eating-.-
then waited for glenden and zhengquan to come. we only saw zhengquan when we are going up the esclators! bought tickets! the queue was super long!
so miss a bit of the show,but it was nice! the whole show was action-packed enough. worth the money.
then met bestf,she got me doughnuts! (: two double chocolates! :D headed home after that! enjoyed today!
tomorrow maybe going to watch batman with pig! shall see how! :D
hope thursday oral would be a good one! (:
okay lah,blog tomorrow! :D
i shall wait here,
i made that promise,and i fufilled it.
12:36 AM |
wooo,divsion 2!
so woke up and headed to church today. yay,Praise and Worship Him! (: went with jerome,as mengchao couldn't make it. and shaun went with his friends. service was alright,talk about perserverance in prayer! (:
didn't had bible study today,cause went to watch east knights match. jerome went home and i took 969 alone to tampines sports hall.
when i got there,got friendly. i think moosemen was having friendly with a mixed team. and the knights people just got back from team talk.
this year,their jersey is so 'nice'. lol. first period they played well. faizal let in own goal. i didn't saw that,was helping khai take his towel. second period,no goals,but more and more intensive. third period was a sucky one. the refs were giving bad decisions. making them really frustrated. victoria on the other hand was playing better and better. final score-victoria5-0east knights.
how i wish,i was playing for them this year. haha. nvm,i believe team pussies is ten times better! (:
after match,team talk and headed to century square for lunch with khai and eddy. ate at some foodcourt,which i never knew existed in century square. haha.
then went to orchard to meet jerome and shermin. walked around and got pig's present finally! haha. then jerome bought some bracelet that kuenkuen ask him to buy. haha,the cashier was a pretty girl that ask jerome for number(: hahaha! inside joke!
alright. headed home after that.
i think i was really tired,after dinner i just went to sleep immediately! and woke up around 11.30! haha. alright,it's 1am now. i am going to sleep already.
school is boring. last periods,chem double periods and bio. science periods=BORING. hope i will do well for chinese test tomorrow. and oral on thursday.
blog tomorrow! :D
let's leave in outer space,
just get done with everything.
12:01 AM | Sunday, July 20, 2008
wooohooo. today was great! (: soccer in the morning with jerome,wanhao,dennis and kian ann and their friends at amk. hahaha. dennis super power. left around 1 plus. headed home.
met jerome at around 3.30. went to city hall and met shermin opposite esplanade. headed to the ndp show! woooohoooo. i tell you,the whole thing was awesome!
but the rain in the earlier part and the ending part made the whole show look bad! but overall,it's quite goood! ending part got one person fell down while dancing! cause the floor was tooo wet already.
our school performed quite okay? haha! but they did well after all. the fireworks was really good. believe me,must go watch during national day! haha. wasn't bored of the parade!
compared watching it on tv and being there yourself! the atmosphere was wonderful! kallang wave changed to marina wave! haha. (: didn't get to see smartie pie anyway!
after the whole show,went to marina square toilet to clean up a bit,cause of the rain. and then shermin left to find her friends.
me and jerome headed to raffles city for dinner. ate at mos. shermin and her friends ate at mos later tooo. then walked around and headed home.
had a great day today! haha. church tomorrow! and i am going for the east knights match! haha. hope they do well! (:
alright,blog tomorrow! :D
i am enjoying life under Him.
you changed my life Lord.
11:46 PM | Saturday, July 19, 2008
ndp pictures! (: